
規模 木造平屋建て
施工 みちのく建設工業
竣工 2012年
撮影 加藤嘉六・薩田建築スタジオ
設計   薩田建築スタジオの担当者として設計
場所   宮城県気仙沼市
敷地面積 719.28㎡
延床面積 142.39㎡
Kesennuma After School Center

Reconstruction assistance project following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011.
A children's home with high ceilings and spacious rooms.
Project Scale: One-storey wooden building
Contractor: Michinoku Construction Industry
Completion: 2012
Photography: Karoku Kato & Satsuta Studio of Architecture
Architectural Design: As a person in charge of Satsuta Studio of Architecture
Location: Kesennuma City, Miyagi, Japan
Site Area: 719.28㎡
Total Floor Area: 142.39㎡